
About Me

I am a Senior Research Associate for the School of Computing and Communications at Lancaster University, currently working with the MicroBit Educational Foundation as a maintainer of CODAL and other embedded developments.
See My Code Pages for a more complete list of software projects, or My Hardware Pages for some of my hardware designs.

I might also be streaming live over at twitch.tv

I have taught a wide range of subjects, many of them core modules at the School of Computing and Communications; and have written material that continues to be used to date:

Year Subjects
2019-2020 Advanced Programming, Languages and Compilers
2018-2019 Software Development, Advanced Programming Languages and Compilers
2017-2018 Software Development, Languages and Compilers, SCC TA Training, Widening Participation Seminars
2016-2017 Software Development, Computing Fundamentals, Languages and Compilers, Artificial Intelligence

I have also supervised 8 students, 2 at Level 6 and 6 at Level 7.

My research work and projects have spanned mechanical and electronic engineering, embedded and mobile development, software engineering, wireless networking, network infrastructures, linguistics, high-performance computing and operating system design and my Publications can be best found via Google Scholar.
Feel free to contact me about any of them!

My PhD supervisors were Andrew Scott and Paul Rayson

I can be contacted by eMail at j.vidler@lancaster.ac.uk, or GitHub and Mastodon

My public key can be found here.

What the Heck is John Doing Today?

I’m currently balancing workloads from up to 6 research projects at once, and have up to 3 line managers at the same time; so to track what on Earth I should be working on any any given time, here’s a handy work-week chart!

Monday Working for Lancaster University Today
Tuesday Working for Lancaster University Today
Wednesday Working for Lancaster University Today
Thursday Working for Lancaster University Today
Friday Working for Lancaster University Today

About this site

Based on the companion website of Andy Bell’s talk ‘Be the browser’s mentor, not its micromanager’. It takes over a core functionality: Using Tailwind CSS to generate CSS variables based on design tokens.

Like buildexcellentwebsit.es, this starter uses modern CSS, fluid type & space, flexible Layouts and Progressive Enhancement, wrapped in a basic template, ideal for personal websites and other small projects.

The aim is to hopefully spread the use of this excellent workflow. To work with it efficiently you should be familiar with cube.fyi, utopia.fyi and every-layout.dev.