My Publications
My latest attempt at a maintainable personal site.
Failing Outbound Links
A list of links to external pages from this website, checked occasionally to see if any are down.
3D Printable Accessibility Switches
While doing the final assembly of the Access:bit, I realised that I needed some input devices to test it with...
About this starter
The Access:bit - An Accessibility Addon for the Micro:bit
A collaboration between myself and the Micro:bit Educational Foundation to design an addon to support folks with physical accessibility needs
Docker 102
John discusses various aspects of Docker in this video, including networking within containers, Docker Compose, troubleshooting Docker Compose, passing environment variables, running containers using Docker Compose, mounting volumes, and security issues.
Docker 101
In this YouTube video titled 'Docker 101' John provides an introduction to Docker and its importance in simplifying the deployment process.
The WebGraph - A somewhat federated version of a web ring
Federated Web Rings and Link Sharing
An experiment in a kind of 'federated' web ring
Sonoff Zigbee LCD Smart Temperature / Humidity Sensor
More on Mastodon Comments
Mastodon comments work now on this website! Here's how it works...
Mastodon Comments
On using Mastodon as a post comments backend for this website
Makecode Block Annotations
A reference for myself for any block properties I've used and how well they work
Github Repositories
My Github Repositories
Bee Photography
I'm not a good photographer, but sometimes quantity means I get some quality shots
A set of user configurable countdown timers
Privacy Policy
I respect the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This policy document explains how I collect and handle any information you provide to me.
Hardware Designs
Posts about hardware designs from me, or part of my research
All blog posts can be found here
Chicago Photography
Some half-decent photographs of Chicago on my recent trip to IDC'23
“Manjaro Linux on the Yoga Book”
“Updates on running modern Linux on the Lenovo Yoga Book”
Speech Development (Part 2)
Thoughts on speech development and deafness in young children
The jac:stack - An Addon for the Micro:bit
Details of my research prototype, the jac:stack, a breakout for GPS and Jacdac connections for the Micro:bit
The clip:bit - An Addon for the Micro:bit
Details of my research prototype, the clip:bit, a data-gathering tool for the Micro:bit
The Micro:bit - GPS Logger Prototype
Details of my failed research prototype, the Micro:bit GPS Logger
Speech Development
Some ramblings on speech development and the paranoia of fatherhood
Arch Linux on the Yoga Book
I have a Yoga Book - the only laptop that I've actively wanted at launch - and with its release now in the dim and distant past of 2016 its really showing the age of its hardware, so I've decided after some deliberation to attempt to get a working Linux stack running on it.
I've always struggled with sleep, even from a very early age...
500 Words
I'm terrible at writing at length.
Micro:bit Disco Demo
I've thrown together a little demo to show off the micro:bit v2's microphone functions
Prototype Robot Controller
In a fit of buying interesting hardware a while ago, I picked up two of these joystick modules...
Reading RS485 Data From The BMS
I think I need more smarts in my BMS. There are some fun cold-start edge cases for my EV motorbike whereby the system needs to turn on enough to handle charging the rest of the system...